A Tea Addict's Journal

Tea fair in Kyoto

June 14, 2015 · 3 Comments

While I was doing research and waiting for my books at the Urasenke School‘s library, I discovered that there was, that day, a tea fair across town at the Yoshida shrine near Kyoto University. Since the library closed at 3 anyway, I decided to hop over and take a look.

The tea fair was a decent size – about 20-30 booths from various sellers. What was perhaps the most surprising was that about half of them were selling Chinese teas of various sorts. Like these guys:

Or something like this:

The Chinese tea they sold and were pushing were mostly oolongs of various sort, with some greens and puerh thrown in. Many are Taiwan based or Taiwan inspired. But I wasn’t here for Chinese tea.

The Japanese tea sellers were mostly from the area – selling Uji produced tea. I tried some and bought a few bags, although given my glacial rate of drinking Japanese greens, I don’t know when I’ll ever get to them. More interestingly though, I ran into a stall with sellers from, of all places, Miyazaki prefecture. Miyazaki is next to Kagoshima, which is now a major producer of Japanese teas, but Miyazaki, relatively speaking, doesn’t do much tea. These guys claim to be organic and all that, and more importantly, they make black tea. The few I tried were quite good – one almost reminiscent of Darjeelings. Needless to say, I came home with quite a few bags of tea.

Having a tea fair at a shinto shrine has other advantages too. It’s nicely shaded but still feels like a park, it’s got a hill behind it and I actually hiked over the hill to get to the fair, and it’s reasonably accessible. There was also a sho performance while I was there.

There are also some things that I’m reminded of as someone who doesn’t drink a lot of Japanese tea – first, that Japanese greens are brewed strong, and the idea is to coat your mouth with the taste, at least when they make it for you. It’s a sharp contrast with Chinese greens, which emphasize that refreshing lightness. Second, these people shake their teapots violently to get every last drop out. No such thing as a gentle tip – they literally hold the kyusu with two hands and shake the thing like it’s going to drop you money to get every last bit of water out, usually stopping when the last shake produces a lot of tea leaves. Finally, Japanese greens, in the grand scheme of things, are pretty cheap, even decent grade shincha. This partly has to do with the yen dropping like a rock in the past few months, but also reflects how prices have really risen in China, which is the other main source of green teas. They are also so different that direct comparisons are basically pointless.

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3 responses so far ↓

  • Patrik Jensen // June 21, 2015 at 3:52 pm | Reply

    Thank you for your blog, very interesting and rewarding. I will now try to connect with those who do Labtest in Yixing teapots in Hong Kong. Just the same test as you did. I already did a lab test, and it shows the Mg Al Si Fe, Ti and reflects the Clinochlore. I think I have the world’s oldest Yixing teapot.

    Best regards


  • psychanaut // July 9, 2015 at 10:59 am | Reply

    By far the best shincha I’ve ever drank was one of the upper end ones at http://www.chachanoma.com/
    The deptha and refreshing nature of it was something like a high quality sencha with matcha characteristics.

  • Richard E. Mills // July 21, 2015 at 4:45 pm | Reply

    Hi i am in the market for my first teapot(s) how many should i start off with and should i get a yixing teapot or gaiwan note i make my tea in a french press and what tea should i brew in this

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